Baptism conference Day 2 workshops

More synopsis and slides from the five additional workshops on Day 2.

  1. Under 5’s and worship was led my Mina Munns, a former primary school teacher and church children’s worker, now ordained as a priest in Southwell & Nottingham Diocese. This was a very hands-on workshop, with lots of props and resources for delegates to explore. One of the messages that a lot of delegates picked up on was how important it is to be persistent. 
  2. Daniel’s Den founder and Director Joanna Gordan led the Toddler groups workshop, which spoke with passion about the hidden gem of church-led toddler groups and how we might make them more visible to those who need them most. Joanna believes so strongly in the value of toddler groups, she has a vision for having a one within walking distance of every family in the UK.
  3. The Faith at home workshop was led by Yvonne Morris, Adviser in Children & Family Ministry in the Diocese of Oxford. One delegate who attended her workshop commented afterwards: “Yvonne’s workshop moved me to tears. She spoke very movingly about the importance of parents and carers noticing and mentioning when their children acted as Jesus would have. She went on to talk about the importance of pointing out when we see God working in each other, and how transformative that can be. Yvonne also talked about children’s Bibles (the good, the bad and how to tell the difference) and looked at how secular storybooks can be used to think about Christian values and messages, like being found.”
  4. Margaret Pritchard-Houston, a Christian writer and Children’s Adviser in the St Albans Diocese, offered a set of practical ways for Keeping in touch with families and deepen relationship with them, taking tips from some secular businesses which do that so well. In a feedback session, one delegate said: “The fact that the majority of families actually want the church to keep in touch with them is a revelation to me, and gives me confidence to try a few of the suggestions we’ve talked about.” 
  5. Andy Kennedy’s workshop Families into mission, shared stories and idea as to how all ages can work together creatively to serve communities and churches in a range of different ways; music, sport, circus, building, praying. It wasn’t so much about doing things for families, but more about families becoming part of sharing the Good News of God’s love with others – and having lots of fun on the way! Andy and his wife Catherine lead a ministry called King’s Kids England, which is part of the YWAM movement. 
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